

  • 断桥
  • bazi001
  • 2024-01-29 17:00:02


  The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important and widely celebrated traditional festival in China. With a history of thousands of years, it holds profound cultural significance for the Chinese people. To capture the essence of this festive season, let's explore some ancient Chinese poems about the Spring Festival through an English translation.

  1. "Spring Festival Ode" by Su Shi (also known as Su Dongpo)

  Red lanterns light up every house,

  Joyful laughter fills the air.

  Delicious food shares the table,

  Forgetting all sorrows, hearts are carefree.

  With the arrival of spring, ancestors' graves are visited,

  Offerings of food and wine paid in respect.

  From ancient times till now, endless blessings,

  Generations after generations, traditions shall never fade.

  2. "Spring Festival" by Du Fu

  Spring Festival comes with grandeur and joy,

  Red couplets decorate doors with auspicious blessings.

  Firecrackers resound in the streets,

  Chanting the spirits away.

  Every household prepares for the festive feast,

  Reunion and harmony fill the air.

  Boiling dumplings, simmering fish,

  Symbolizing hopes and abundance for the year.

  3. "New Year's Day" by Wang Anshi

  The lunar calendar marks a new beginning,

  With the New Year's Day arrives new hopes.

  The day breaks with golden sunlight,

  Bathing the earth in renewed vitality.

  Sweeping away the old and welcoming the new,

  Families gather to pay homage and celebrate.

  Bright smiles and warm embraces,

  Wishing for health, happiness and prosperity.

  4. "New Year's Eve" by Bai Juyi

  On New Year's Eve, the old year departs,

  Lively celebrations light up the night sky.

  Bright moon shines upon family reunion,

  Banishing worries, hearts are uplifted.

  From town to town, drums and gongs resound,

  People throng the streets all around.

  Fireworks illuminate the heavens,

  Welcoming the arrival of a brand-new year.

  These ancient poems capture the spirit and sentiment of the Spring Festival—reunion, blessings, and the renewal of life. It is a time when families come together, old sorrows are forgotten, and hopes for a prosperous year are embraced. The festivities, traditions, and cultural customs surrounding the Spring Festival have been passed down through generations, becoming an integral part of Chinese culture.

  During this festive season, people decorate their homes with red lanterns and couplets, indulge in delicious feasts, and exchange gifts and greetings. The highlight of the celebration is the reunion dinner on New Year's Eve when families gather to share a sumptuous meal. It is believed that the Spring Festival brings luck and happiness, and by praying to ancestors and gods, people seek blessings for the coming year.

  From the crackling sound of firecrackers and the mesmerizing sight of fireworks lighting up the night sky to the joyous atmosphere filled with laughter and excitement, the Spring Festival is a time of great festivities and happiness. It is a time to honor ancestors, strengthen family bonds, and embrace the traditions and values that have shaped the Chinese culture for centuries.

  As we immerse ourselves in the festive spirit of the Spring Festival, let us remember the profound meaning embedded in these ancient poems. May the joys and blessings of the Spring Festival extend beyond borders and unite us all in celebration and harmony. Happy Spring Festival!



  The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China. It is usually celebrated in late January or early February, marking the beginning of the lunar calendar year. As a time for family reunion and cultural festivities, the Spring Festival is filled with joy, blessings, and ancient customs that have been passed down for generations. In this article, we will explore some ancient Chinese poems about the Spring Festival, their English translations, and the meanings behind them.

  1. 春节古诗一 (Ancient Poem on the Spring Festival)

  《元日》 - 王安石




  New Year’s Day – Wang Anshi

  Amidst the sound of firecrackers, we bid farewell to the old year,

  The spring breeze carries warmth into every home,

  Thousand doors, ten thousand households, are bathed in sunlight,

  We replace the old charms with new peaches to welcome the new year.


  This poem by Wang Anshi describes the atmosphere of celebration on New Year's Day. The phrase "send warmth into every home" reflects the joyful and jubilant spirit of the Spring Festival. The poet also mentions the custom of replacing old charms with new peaches. This symbolizes the cycle of life, as the old year ends and a new one begins.

  2. 春节古诗二 (Ancient Poem on the Spring Festival)

  《除夜》 - 王之涣




  Night of the Lunar New Year’s Eve – Wang Zhihuan

  Silver candles illuminate the autumnal screen,

  Light silk fans gently wave to chase the floating fireflies.

  The night sky is as cool and clear as water,

  Lying down, I can behold the stars of the Cowherd and Weaver Maid.


  Wang Zhihuan's poem depicts the tranquility and beauty of the Lunar New Year's Eve. The silver candles, cold autumn light, and delicate silk fans create an atmosphere of relaxation and contentment. The mention of the Cowherd and Weaver Maid stars refers to the famous Chinese folk love story, which is often associated with the romantic feelings during the Spring Festival.

  3. 春节古诗三 (Ancient Poem on the Spring Festival)

  《元日》 - 王之涣




  Auspicious Snow - Wang Zhihuan

  Auspicious snow foretells a year of abundance,

  Warm winds and sunny days bring eternal spring.

  Thousand doors, ten thousand households, bathed in sunlight,

  We replace the old charms with new peaches to welcome the new year.


  In this poem, Wang Zhihuan highlights the importance of auspicious snow during the Spring Festival. Snow symbolizes good luck and abundance, suggesting that the coming year will be prosperous. The poet also emphasizes the constant presence of warmth and joy during springtime, and the custom of replacing old charms with new peaches is mentioned once again to mark the beginning of the new year.

  4. 春节古诗四 (Ancient Poem on the Spring Festival)

  《欢度春节》 - 孟浩然




  Celebrating the Spring Festival - Meng Haoran

  Gazing back at the prosperity, all gathers here,

  Laughter and joy fill the air every year at this time.

  Gathering together to bid farewell to the old year,

  Celebrating the new spring amidst fireworks.


  Meng Haoran's poem represents the excitement and jubilation during the Spring Festival. The poet takes a moment to reflect on the past year's achievements and happiness, and expresses the joy of reuniting with family and friends. The mention of fireworks highlights the festive atmosphere that accompanies the celebration of the new spring.

  The ancient Chinese poems about the Spring Festival capture the essence of this joyous occasion. They reflect the customs and traditions that have been cherished by generations of Chinese people. As we celebrate the Spring Festival, we should remember the importance of family, reunion, and the exchange of blessings that bring warmth and happiness to our lives. May the coming year be filled with prosperity, good fortune, and an abundance of joy. Happy Spring Festival!
