

  • 思修
  • 2023-12-30 17:01:18


  The Legend of Chinese New Year

  Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is the most important traditional holiday in China. It is celebrated by Chinese people all over the world and is filled with various customs, activities, and stories. Among these traditions, there are several legends that have been passed down through generations, adding a touch of magic to this festive season.

  The legend of Nian is one of the most famous stories associated with Chinese New Year. According to the legend, there was a ferocious beast called Nian, which had the ability to swallow whole villages and devour people. Nian would come out on the eve of Chinese New Year, terrorize the villagers, and destroy their crops and homes. The people lived in constant fear until one day, an old man appeared and claimed to have a solution to stop Nian's rampage.

  The old man advised the villagers to put up red paper decorations and light firecrackers to scare away the beast. He explained that Nian had a sensitive hearing and was afraid of the color red and the loud sounds of firecrackers. The villagers followed the old man's instructions, and when Nian came to the village, it was frightened by the red decorations and the loud noises. Since then, the tradition of hanging red lanterns, wearing red clothes, and setting off firecrackers during Chinese New Year has become a way of chasing away evil spirits and celebrating the victory over Nian.

  Another popular legend associated with Chinese New Year is the story of the Kitchen God. It is believed that a Kitchen God watches over each household, recording the family's behavior and reporting it to the Jade Emperor. On the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, the Kitchen God ascends to heaven to deliver his report. To ensure a favorable report, families traditionally offer sacrifices to the Kitchen God, including sweet treats and sticky rice cake, in the hope of receiving good fortune in the coming year.

  The most well-known legend related to Chinese New Year is the story of the mythical beast, Nian. The story goes that Nian would emerge from the sea on New Year's Eve and attack villages, devouring livestock and even people. The villagers were terrified and sought refuge in the mountains. However, one year, an old beggar arrived in a village and witnessed the devastation caused by Nian. The old beggar knew the villagers' fear and decided to help them.

  The old beggar asked the villagers to put up red couplets and paper decorations on their doors, and to light firecrackers. He also told them that Nian was afraid of the color red, loud noises, and fire. The villagers followed his instructions, and when Nian arrived, it was scared away by the red decorations, the loud noises from the firecrackers, and the burning bamboo. The villagers were saved, and they realized that Nian was not invincible.

  Since then, the tradition of decorating with red during Chinese New Year has become essential for warding off evil spirits. People also set off firecrackers to welcome the new year and to scare away Nian. This legend symbolizes the triumph of good over evil and the hope for a prosperous and peaceful new year.

  These legends not only add flavor to the celebration of Chinese New Year but also carry deep cultural significance. They teach people the importance of unity, courage, and the power of customs and traditions in preserving their heritage. Chinese New Year is not only a time for family reunions and joyful festivities, but also a time to reflect on these mythical tales and the values they represent.

  In conclusion, the legends associated with Chinese New Year enrich the festive atmosphere and remind us of the importance of cultural heritage. From the legend of Nian to the story of the Kitchen God, these tales reflect the resilience of the Chinese people and their belief in overcoming challenges and adversity. As we celebrate Chinese New Year, let us cherish these stories and their meanings, as they continue to inspire and unite people around the world in the spirit of this auspicious holiday.



  The Legend of the Spring Festival


  The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese Lunar New Year, is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It is considered a time of rest and celebration of the agricultural harvest, as well as a significant moment for family reunions. The origin of the Spring Festival has many legends, and some of these stories have been passed down through oral tradition for thousands of years. Let's explore some of these popular legends surrounding the Spring Festival.


  Legend has it that long ago, China was threatened by a fierce monster called the "Nian Beast." This creature was massive and ferocious, appearing on the eve of every Chinese New Year. When it emerged, it devoured the crops and livestock of the farmers, bringing disaster to the village. People were terrified of the Nian Beast, so on the eve of each year, they would close their doors, light candles, and set off firecrackers in an attempt to scare away the monster with fire and noise.


  In a village, there lived an old man. He was wise and kind-hearted, and he knew that the Nian Beast was afraid of red and light. The old man suggested that the villagers paint their door frames red and light many red lanterns and candles on the eve of the new year. He also told them that the Nian Beast was frightened by humor and laughter. As night fell, the villagers followed the old man's advice and, to ward off the beast, continued to set off firecrackers and tell jokes loudly at their doorsteps. Miraculously, the Nian Beast never returned, and the village remained peaceful and safe. That's why during the Spring Festival, people decorate their homes with Spring Festival couplets and red paper strips, while hanging red lanterns and setting off firecrackers.


  Another classic Spring Festival legend is the story of the "Nian." The Nian is an ancient mythical beast in China, resembling a lion, ox, and whale. It is said that the Nian dwells in the deep sea and emerges on the first day of each year to devour people. To ward off the monster's attack, people light fires and set off firecrackers on New Year's Eve. One year, a brave little girl decided to confront the Nian. She painted red tattoos on her village and set off a red firecracker. Through her bravery and wisdom, she successfully scared away the Nian and brought peace to the people. To commemorate this brave girl, the Chinese perform lion dances during the Spring Festival, which is one of the traditional forms of Chinese performing arts.


  These legendary stories, along with many other fascinating tales, are woven into the celebration activities of Chinese Lunar New Year. Today's Spring Festival celebrations are filled with laughter, delicious food, fireworks, and joyous atmosphere. Families and friends gather together, spending quality time and praying for happiness and prosperity in the coming year.


  These Spring Festival legends provide us with a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and offer a more meaningful Spring Festival experience. Whether we are engaging in traditional customs of the Spring Festival or celebrating this holiday with family and friends, these stories remind us to cherish our loved ones and bring moments of happiness and reunion in the new year. Let us welcome the arrival of the New Year together and extend our wishes for a joyful and prosperous Spring Festival to everyone!
